Thursday, 21 January 2010

Yes, I would

Yes, I would follow you, or take you some place else and have you close your eyes softly and listen to the music... Somewhere near, far or that doesn’t exist, among the stars. It is fine if it starts raining... we are two still creatures in the middle of the universe... it is fine to get wet... It is green, brown and blue as you stand by me. I keep seeing us, everywhere, although we are nowhere at all. There is no we.

I would try to cut a lemon in symmetrical halves. Although we might waste a few (hundred) before I am able to do it. In the end we would have enough caipirinhas for a month. I can handle your cooking lessons or you laughing at me, as long as we are a team.

Car rides... I’m afraid you will have to do the driving 100% at the time... and I think you wouldn’t mind. I can entertain your drive though, by singing out loud, making up the lyrics as I go along... I’m quite good at it... “these sounds fall into my mind...” “pizza comes into my mouth...” “and if you’d like to talk for hours...” “and nephew wants to make the hours...” Years of practice...

The theater can’t miss us... whatever we do... we need to visit it once in awhile... I will cry all along, even in comedies... I will be the first to stand up in the end... I will be the one to clap the loudest... But you are ALWAYS allowed to pretend not to know me...
I will get into my spaceship at times and travel in my mind, in writing, in books, in thinking too much, but I always return. Sometimes it is a grand return... full of new ideas for tomorrow morning -- Or a trip in the middle of next year.

I am just. We will share our music and mix our tastes. Although there will be stuff I will have to say no to, and vice-versa, I suppose and understand.

Some nights are warmer than others and what is outside varies... but not the essence, which remains. I believe in forever and ever and ever, no matter whether the world has fallen apart. And the world inevitably will fall apart several times along the way, as I know it. But when we fix it up, we may have a caipirinha and go to the theater.
