I will write it if it just comes to me, but I feel like dancing tonight,
a glass of wine.
Perhaps some lonely party somewhere,
candle light, red carpet, a balcony, fresh air.
Some play in the middle of the city,
a busy train, a latte in the rain.
Tears with smiles.
I can’t write tonight. But I insist.
Lack of conflict. It is just blank, not happening, well, too much happening in my mind... It is a dance in vain, a lonely dance in some very crowded place... no heels tonight, please. I will go bare feet. No rhythm, no makeup. I will wear a purple dress or dance in my underwear. More wine perhaps, so I can bring you here. I will watch you sleep, play with your hair. Take you somewhere where there is enough light in the dark, and look deep inside your eyes. Let me be here awhile. A long while? Ok, we can swim now... where the water looks almost silver. The moon, the stars! Hahaha... the clichés and me.