Monday, 16 December 2013

90's Music

From here, I see little windows.
lit by Christmas lights, Christmas trees.
Far away, I travel in time with music.
and get lost in right now, looking for sense.

We used to dance till our hair got wet in sweat.
Yell in concerts till we had no more voice.
We used to worry:
how to get in with our fake IDs;
how to go back home at the end of the night.
We were free. from worry. from responsibility. from fulfilling future dreams.
Until the future "arrived" suddenly.

Get up. Go to work. Rush hour.
Office politics. Pray for the weekend.
Behave. Be nice. Be what's expected. Don't be.
Don't say. Stay in the box.
Go to bed. Close your eyes. Be elsewhere.

Anything could happen,
but now is the future.
Do we still have time? to be "us"? even when the alarm goes on;
and the world calls on us to be adults?
Can we still go out in the middle of the night,
with the little windows watching us,
after so many Christmases?
Will the pressure of now explode in the windy rain,
and glitter fall upon us,
in a big dance, outside, like before?
